Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Broadcast of Unrepentant Pop Culture Animosity

 WARNING: This is a podcast made by and for over-educated people of an anti-authoritarian persuasion. Anyone is welcome to listen, but don't be surprised if you find our views offensive, or just plain inscruitable. Also, we are not audiophiles and we believe in content over form. Low quality recordings with lots of background noise and fuzzy buzzy sounds are how we gonna roll until we get donations or audio-capable volunteers. Apologies to anyone with low tolerance for fucked sound.

Hatemail: Did we miss an obvious weak spot in the armor of captialist cultural hegemony in a recent review? Do you dispute our assertion that The Matrix and every other piece of shit Wachowski movie is crypto-Lenninist trash? Do you hate us and our pretentious opinions? Oh boy, everybody loves online feuds with strangers! Tell us all about it:
Ohmigosh! You can even flame at us on the facevirus.

Think you can hate? If you would like to make a guest appearance on The Haters, contact Ben at or just invite him to go see a movie with you.

Tired of the tardiness with which new hate appears on this site? Sorry, we can get kinda busy trying to make ends meet while working to abolish prisons and other liberatory shit. If you donate, we'll be able spend less time working crappy jobs and more time creating the hate you so urgently desire.

Alternately, you can always go ahead and shit talk movies with your friends. Shit, if you record it and send it to us we might even post it! (Including our own cynical responses, of course).

Contact us: or (330) 333 0826

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